Cubii Jr2 vs. Cubii Go: Compact Cardio Showdown

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In the realm of compact ellipticals, Cubii stands out with its range of under-desk exercisers. Two models that often go head-to-head are the Cubii Jr2 and the Cubii Go. Here’s a detailed dive into what sets these two contenders apart and which might be the best fit for your low-impact fitness journey.

FeatureCubii Jr2Cubii Go
Weight19 lbs19.4 lbs
DisplayLCD DisplayIlluminated LCD Display
FlywheelStandardZeroGravitii (larger, smoother)
PortabilityLightest model, easy to moveSlightly heavier, retractable handles
User WeightMax 250 lbsMax 250 lbs
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Understanding the Contenders

Cubii Jr2: The Portable Powerhouse

The Cubii Jr2 emerges as an affordable, easy-to-use option for those needing low-impact exercise. Weighing in at just 19 pounds, its compact size (22” x 12” x 11.6”) makes it a cinch to slide under any desk. While it lacks Bluetooth, the included LCD display keeps track of your progress. It’s particularly suitable for seniors or those rehabilitating from injuries, offering a convenient way to stay active without the risk of high-impact strain​​.

Cubii Go: The Silent Gladiator

Slightly heavier at 19.4 pounds, the Cubii Go champions a ‘ZeroGravitii’ flywheel design, which delivers a whisper-quiet operation. Its illuminated LCD screen and retractable handles speak to a design that’s both user-friendly and easy to store. Despite being a bit heavier than the Jr2, the Go’s portability is uncompromised, making it a favorite for fitness enthusiasts on the move​​.

The Verdict on Value

When choosing between the Cubii Jr2 and the Cubii Go, consider the specifics of your environment and workout preferences. If price point and weight are your main concerns, the Jr2 might be your ideal match. For those seeking a nearly silent exercise experience and don’t mind a slight increase in weight, the Cubii Go could be the way to go.

While both models excel in offering low-impact, accessible exercise, the Cubii Go edges out slightly ahead with its advanced flywheel and display features. However, the Jr2 holds its own with a strong focus on ease and comfort.

Elevating Your Exercise

Beyond the Cubii models, expanding your home workout regimen with equipment like Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells can add a strength training component to your fitness routine. For those seeking a full-body workout, integrating exercises like the dumbbell pullover can complement your under-desk cardio.

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Generated by DALL·E

5 Detailed Questions on Cubii Jr2 vs. Cubii Go

FeatureCubii Jr2Cubii Go
Weight19 lbs19.4 lbs
DisplayLCD DisplayIlluminated LCD Display
FlywheelStandardZeroGravitii (larger, smoother)
PortabilityLightest model, easy to moveSlightly heavier, retractable handles
User WeightMax 250 lbsMax 250 lbs
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1. How do the resistance features in Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go compare?

Both the Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go offer 8 levels of magnetic resistance, providing a range of intensity for different fitness levels. The Cubii Go has a larger ‘ZeroGravitii’ flywheel for a smoother experience, while the Jr2’s resistance is designed for gentle, low-impact movement.

2. Which model is more suitable for rehabilitation purposes?

The Cubii Jr2, with its lighter frame and compact design, is ideal for rehabilitation due to its easy usability and gentle motion. The Cubii Go also offers low-impact exercise but with a smoother flywheel motion that may be beneficial for some users.

3. How do the Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go fit into small living spaces?

Both models are designed to be space savers. The Cubii Jr2 is slightly smaller and lighter, making it a bit more convenient for very tight spaces. The Cubii Go, while slightly larger, features retractable handles, adding to its portability.

4. Are there any connectivity features that differentiate Cubii Jr2 from Cubii Go?

Neither model offers Bluetooth connectivity; however, they both work with the Cubii app and integrate with Fitbit and Apple HealthKit, allowing users to track their fitness progress.

5. Which model provides a better workout experience for those who are desk-bound?

The Cubii Go, with its illuminated display and larger flywheel, may offer a slightly superior workout experience with its smooth pedaling motion. However, the Cubii Jr2 is also effective for those looking to integrate activity into their sedentary workday.

10 FAQ About Cubii Jr2 vs. Cubii Go

What is the weight difference between Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go?

The Cubii Jr2 weighs 19 lbs, while the Cubii Go is slightly heavier at 19.4 lbs.

Can I sync my fitness tracker with either model?

Yes, both models work with the Cubii app and can integrate with Fitbit and Apple HealthKit.

Which Cubii model is more portable?

The Cubii Go is designed with portability in mind, featuring retractable handles for easy carrying.

What are the dimensions of Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go?

The Cubii Jr2 measures 22” x 12” x 11.6”, and the Cubii Go has dimensions of 24.5” x 17.5” x 9”.

Are both models suitable for users with limited mobility?

Yes, both the Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go are designed for low-impact exercise, ideal for users with limited mobility.

Which model is quieter during operation?

The Cubii Go’s ‘ZeroGravitii’ flywheel is designed for near-silent operation, making it the quieter option.

How do I track my workout progress with these models?

Both models have an LCD display for on-the-spot tracking, and they can be synced with the Cubii app for more detailed progress monitoring.

What is the maximum user weight for both ellipticals?

Both the Cubii Jr2 and Cubii Go support a maximum user weight of 250 lbs.

Is either elliptical better for high-intensity workouts?

No, both are designed for low-impact, gentle exercise and are not suited for high-intensity workouts.

Can the Cubii models be used for rehabilitation?

Yes, their low-impact design makes them suitable for injury rehabilitation and gentle exercise for seniors.

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